Uniform and Equipment

The policy and its implementation will operate within the framework of current legislation. Our uniform is both smart, formal and ‘fit for purpose’ in a school setting. It is designed to promote equality and a sense of pride in our community. Most items of uniform can be purchased from a range of suppliers but when specialist items are required (e.g. our blazer) we provide financial assistance to those parents or carers requiring it.

The policy applies to all students in Years 7 to 11 when on the campus, on their journey to and from school and when representing the school on visits.


Being organised, and ready for school, matters. We expect our students to look smart, have the right equipment for lessons, be on time, and meet homework deadlines.

To help you and your child prepare for their learning, there are some items that they should bring to school every day:

  • Pens (black and green)
  • Pencil
  • Rubber
  • Ruler
  • Calculator
  • Reading book
  • Knowledge Folder (provided by school)
  • Planner (provided by school)

We encourage our students to manage their homework deadlines and keep key dates and information to hand. Parents and carers can support their children by talking to them about how they are planning their work, and how they will ensure deadlines are achieved.

We ask that as much personal property as possible is clearly marked, and items which have sentimental value or monetary value are not brought to school. FSD is not responsible for the security or loss of any personal equipment. SMART watches and Fitbits are prohibited in school.

Mobile phones must not be visible at any point and in any place on the school site during the school day. Students who bring phones to school must switch them off, put them away in their bags and not switch them on until they leave the school site.

Phones will be confiscated when students do not adhere to these rules.