
The enrichment programme is designed to complement and extend academic studies. It provides opportunities for students to demonstrate qualities and develop skills that will prepare them for their next steps. It consists of a range of accredited qualifications which can enhance university applications as well as allowing students to tailor their academic and personal profiles.

Universities and employers often use personal statements to differentiate between applicants and view this wider engagement with learning very positively. Coupled with good grades at BTEC and A level, the right enrichment course distinguishes individuals from the crowd and shows future employers what type of person they really are.

Student opportunities include:

  • Extended Project
  • Community/Higher Sports Leaders Award
  • Sports teams
  • Internships
  • Paired reading with younger students
  • Numeracy and Literacy Buddies
  • British Sign Language short course
  • First aid course
  • Music groups

Updated: 31/10/2024 881 KB