
Religious Studies equips students to understand the diverse world they live in. It allows young people the opportunity to explore their own worldview and consider the views of others in a safe and secure environment, where they can ask challenging and possibly controversial questions. Religious Studies teaches students about the beliefs and practices of faiths across the world and opens the philosophical and ethical debate. 

Autumn Term – Spring Term

How do we know?

An introductory unit on how we apply the philosophical lens and how different worldviews shape our understanding of the world, truth and knowledge.

Spring Term – Summer Term

Does God exist?

We explore the different philosophical arguments for the existence or non-existence of God and consider how those with faith find ‘evidence’ for this belief.

Autumn Term – Spring Term

What is it like to be a member of a religion today?

Students explore Judaism through the lens of philosophy, theology and social sciences: theologically what does it mean to be Jewish; culturally- how does it affect lifestyle choices and practices.

Spring Term – Summer Term

A religion without a leader.

How has Christianity survived without Jesus?

We explore the early Church and the role of the earliest apostles in shaping what is now the world’s biggest religion. This involves an exploration into the key Christian beliefs and modern practices/ethics.

Autumn Term – Spring Term

The origins of life

This unit applies ethical and theological lenses to the issues of life and death. The scientific v’s theological arguments for the origins of life are considered alongside the sanctity of life argument and the implications of this on issues such as abortion.

Spring Term – Summer Term

Can a religion have no God?

Students will study the beliefs and practices found in Buddhism.  They will learn about  the significance of his life and teachings and how a Buddhist strives for enlightenment.

Autumn Term – Spring Term

GCSE: Christian Beliefs

Students will learn the fundamental Christian beliefs e.g. The nature of God, beliefs about the trinity and the afterlife.

Non-GCSE: What do the philosophers say?

Students will study the work of a range of key philosophers and their thinking about the human condition.

Spring Term – Summer Term

GCSE: Christian Practices

Students explore the religious practices of Christians and the influence they have on a believers life.  E.g. Holy communion, baptism and prayer.

Non-GCSE: Arguments for the existence of God

Students will learn the main arguments for the existence of God and the objections to these arguments.  E.g The First Cause and Design Argument.

Autumn Term – Spring Term

GCSE: The existence of God and revelation

Students will explore the different arguments for Gods existence and the ways in which believers claim he reveals himself.

Non-GCSE: Tolerance: the Holocaust and Genocide
Tolerance: Islamophobia         

This unit will explore the concept of tolerance and what can be learnt from the past and current situations across the world and in their local community.

Spring Term – Summer Term

GCSE: Religion and Life

Students will consider the origins of the universe and human life.  They will explore the debates surrounding abortion, euthanasia and animal rights.

Non-GCSE: Tolerance: Sexuality & LGBTQ+

Further exploration of tolerance, considering religious responses to the LGBTQ+ community

Crime and punishment