This is the last Headteacher Update for this half term as the school is closed to students on Friday 21st February ahead of half term. We of course reopen to everyone on Monday 3rd March.

At the end of the last half term, I asked two of our students to share their thoughts in this update, the brothers Sasha and Vanya who joined us from Ukraine. This time I have asked another two students to write about the school. Megan and Lucy are our student presidents and both close to finishing their studies here in Year 13. They are both examples of excellence and I feel more than confident that both of them are more than ready for the next stage in their education. I asked them to reflect on their time here, what they have got out of being a student here beyond their education and their next steps. My warm thanks to them both.

When we do reach the holiday, I hope everyone is able to enjoy some rest and relaxation, especially those students who will be returning to mock exams and very swiftly the terminal exams that mark the end of Years 11 and 13.

Many thanks for your continued support of the school; I hope you all have a good weekend. 


This week was quite a significant one for me. After 15 months, I finally completed my Extended Project Qualification. A test of my perseverance, this was probably the biggest academic challenge I have faced so far. Choosing to research the topic of French involvement in former French African colonies admittedly was not helpful in reducing the difficulty. However, I did find that throughout my experience at Fram, I have not only developed academic skills but also values and qualities that allowed me to be well-equipped for accomplishing my EPQ.

I think one of my most formative experiences at Fram was my decision to take German as well as French at GCSE. Although I was the only candidate for German in my year group, Fram’s MFL department was committed to my learning and facilitated German as an extra GCSE, with one-to-one teaching each week after school. It was hard. Balancing my time between all my subjects was a challenge. But looking back it was so worth it. My success in the subject was only one benefit compared to the skills I gained in resilience, time management, and discovering that I can do hard things. Doing German GCSE also led to such an enjoyment of my reserve choice of GCSE history that I continued it at A’ level, alongside French and Politics. Thanks to Fram’s commitment to my study of German, I was able to learn that finding things hard does not mean they’re impossible, and without this realisation, I would not have completed my Extended Project Qualification.

While one of the main reasons I stayed at Fram for Sixth Form was for the excellent quality of teaching, a major factor was also the community I had developed here. Through the many opportunities provided by Fram, I have grown as a person and discovered attitudes and close friendships that will stick with me for life. Some highlights have included taking part in a regional debate competition, organising charity events, and expanding my subject knowledge through visits like the politics trip to London, where we watched live debate in the House of Commons and heard politicians speak on current issues at a conference. With excellent student voice opportunities, I was able to not only participate in Fram’s school community but also contribute to it.

Last week I enjoyed listening to our Student Council, discussing with all the year group representatives our ideas for charity events next term. Student voice has always been an important topic for me, and it is truly inspiring to speak with students who equally seek to cultivate progress in our school.

In terms of post-18 plans, I have applied to study Politics and French at university, to perhaps then join the Civil Service. But these choices would not have been possible without Fram’s dedication to facilitating my learning and support in helping me discover my strengths and interests.


As I approach the final few months of my time at Fram, I have been reflecting a great deal on how I have grown and how it has prepared me for my future. Fram has provided so many opportunities and introduced me to so many experiences, lessons and people, for which I will be eternally grateful.

I started Fram in Year 7, dealing with the recent loss of my dad. I was undoubtedly scared of new beginnings with the loss of familiarity in my life; however I was very quickly provided with endless support and care, which has continued throughout my time at Fram, including in the Sixth Form.

In the lower school, I particularly enjoyed subjects like food tech and technology which were especially exciting due to the opportunity to try something new. When it came to choosing my key stage 5 subjects, I eventually settled on biology, history and health & social care, and whilst I have definitely found aspects of my A’ levels challenging, I love the variety in content that my courses offer, and the different styles of assessment. I consider myself extremely lucky that I have always had teachers whose passion for what they do, and genuine care for their students, shines through.

My memories of Fram are, of course, also filled with all the extra-curricular activities which I have been lucky enough to experience. Enrichment Week of Year 7 certainly stands out for me as I chose art enrichment; we spent the week in Newcastle and Durham finding inspiration to create an art piece. It was daunting at the time but looking back I can now appreciate how enriched I was by being pushed out of my comfort zone during that week. As well as learning a lot about art, I also spoke to new people and broadened my horizons. It was, in fact, this activity that led me to become friends with my favourite people, who I have been lucky enough to go through the sixth form with also.

Whilst my years at Fram haven’t always been easy – covid-induced online learning and a few friendship dramas are particular challenges that have stayed with me- ultimately when I look back, I now realise that I have literally learned how to grow up here, and that I’ve been supported every step of the way. I’ve always felt that my teachers understand what makes me tick, and they have helped me to discover my passions and pushed me to keep on progressing, academically and beyond. I have learned so much that I will undoubtedly carry and utilise in my adult life.

The past few weeks have been some of the most exciting for me; submitting my UCAS application to study Adult Nursing, and preparing for intensive interviews, has certainly been a testament to my patience and determination. I have been attending interviews over the past few weeks and I have my final interview coming up soon. The thrill of seeing offers appear on my UCAS as a result of my hard work has truly made me so excited to begin my life post-Fram.

As well as making the most of the time I have left at Fram academically, Megan and I are also busy working with other students on making a few more lasting memories; we are currently creating our yearbook and planning our celebration day in school and our leavers’ ball at the Ramside when exams are finally finished.

Whilst I am looking forward to what the future holds, there is no doubt I will miss Fram, and the support and care I have received which has shaped me into the person I am today.

Please find this week's key messages below.  

Training Update

Next week we’ll be meeting as a whole staff body to begin to look at how specifically we can best support students with autism in a session led by an outside expert. On the staff training day on Friday we’re again being joined by some educational experts as we look in more detail at how on a practical level we can ensure we ‘give the most to those that need the most.’

Year 10 Work Experience 2025

 Year 10 work experience is the week beginning 7th July and as it is in line with enrichment week for Years 7-9, no teaching time is missed. We are asking all students to aim to secure a placement and complete their form on Unifrog by Monday 31st March.  This timescale allows for appropriate checks and communication with placement providers ahead of July.  Our Year 10 tutors are supporting and encouraging their students to put the information they have gathered on their ‘green forms’ onto Unifrog and Mrs Moss, our Careers Leader, is presently providing support at lunchtimes on Wednesday in the careers office for students with queries.

Students and parents will have received an announcement on Class Charts this week with documents linked to support the process (including a parental guide) and these documents are also on the students’ Class Charts homework (including a link to an explanatory video). If you have any further questions not covered in the guide, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Moss by email (

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Mr Ward, Assistant Headteacher 

Year 11 Update

A huge well done to students attending RAS - there is one more week to go!  As we get closer to the next mock exam period, students can attend extra sessions, and we now have additional mock revision opportunities on offer afterschool that are open to all students.

The next mock period commences week beginning 3rd March and the exam timetable has been shared with you via Class Charts. Students will be issued with an exam preparation booklet so you can expect to see them using this to help them plan and prepare their revision time over the next four weeks. This booklet includes - exam timetable, how to revise, how to access the resource hub for additional revision materials and past papers, topic checklists and weekly planners.

A good habit for the students to get into is sitting down with their weekly planner on a Sunday evening and planning out the coming week to ensure they are able to fit in schoolwork and revision, as well as making sure they have downtime and periods of rest.

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Miss Lutynski, Assistant Headteacher